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Most communion tables in most Christian Churches have these words: This Do In Remembrance Of Me

Do what? REMEMBER His broken body and His shed blood.

Demons fear the name of Christ Jesus spoken out loud by a Christian who does not simply believe ABOUT Christ. Our simply believes IN his teachings. But does believe ON his broken body, believes ON his shed blood. Believes enough to speak that belief IN FAITH. Belief and Faith are not the same. They are double first cousins, but not the same. Belief is a good waiter, hoper, that one day something will happen.
Faith is always NOW.
Belief is inactive, is passive, static. Faith is active, causitive, dynamic. Hope talks ABOUT, FAITH TALKS TO! I hope this sycamine tree will be moved. By FAITH I command, in the name of Christ Jesus, this Sycamine tree to be plucked up and cast into the sea!!!!! Hope waits on God. Faith DOES what God has said. Faith always MOVES something. The very LEAST that can be moved by faith…is the TONGUE. If you cannot speak it out loud IT IS NOT FAITH!

All of the Word of God is powerful. The words are anointed by the Holy Ghost. The most powerful words in the Bible are words about the Cross of Calvary. The BODY of Christ. The BLOOD of Christ.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth ON ME, on my BODY, on my BLOOD hath everlasting life. Yes we will live forever, but that is only part of EVERLASTING LIFE. Everlasting life IS NOW! Hath everlasting life NOW NOW NOW!

Everlasting life is past, present, future, NOW!
There is no time, no space, no separation, no ifs, ands, or buts in Everlasting Life, it is NOW or it is not Everlasting Life.

Do This In Remberance Of Me! Believe on my broken body, take it into your body. Believe on my shed blood, drink it into your bloodstream.

Dichotomy in Christian circles about what the miracle is in the taking of Holy Communion.

1. Some believe TRANSUBSTANTIATION takes place, the bread and the drink BECOME the body and blood of CHRIST.
2. Some believe a miracle of TIME takes place. The then and there of the last supper/first communion, becomes the here and now of THIS communion service. Of this REMEMBRANCE. The greek word remembrance used here is ANAMNESIS. This word lends credence to the miracle of time idea. It means so much more than to mentally rehearse something. It means to experience it all over again. A flashback. More, a flashNOW.

Christ promised in anamnesis: As I was in the first communion, I will always BE in every communion. See me as they saw me. Touch me. Feel me. Im NOW! Give up your life, take mine. BE MY BODY IN THE EARTH NOW NOW NOW! Speak my Name, my BODY, my BLOOD. OUT LOUD NOW! The works I have done ye shall do, and greater works shall ye do in my name. Heretofor ye have asked nothing in my name. Henceforth, ye shall ask the Father in my name, and He will GIVE IT NOW!


    My son-in-law visiting from Alaska reminded us of a great miracle. He casually mentioned that his youngest daughter never gets sick, never catches the things other people catch from other people. That she is healthy as a horse, hehe.
    It is because when she was pre-maturely born by c-section and weighed only 3.5 lbs, she drank the immune system of Christ or she would not have lived. It is a prayer we all prayed, but my son-in-law was in another state. And was gone for 18 mos. and apparently no one told him this story.
    The placenta separated from the lining of the uterus when my daughter was sitting on our couch. We began immediately to quote out loud Ezekiel 16:6. We called others to do the same. The c-section surgeon said he has never seen an OR team gather so quickly, and when he made a single incision the organs all moved out of the way and he pulled our granddaughter from a woomb filled with blood. They air-lifted her to a special premie care unit in another city. Every day they told us horrible details of her condition that precluded her from living. Every day God fixed each and every condition. She cant breathe on her own. She can not maintain her own boby temp. She is not mature enough to suck. She cannot tolerate the formulae. This that and the other thing. God fixed em ALL, every day they warned of disaster, God fixed each disaster, each day, day after day.
    I took my daughters cholostrum, bearing the precious antibodies her struggling daughter needed, in a thermos to the nurses each day. Unknown to us, the nurses took it out of the freezer and destroyed it, shakes head.

    We asked our heavenly father, in the name of Christ, to give our Victoria Grace Zapata the immune system antibodies of CHRIST JESUS! HE DID!!!!

    SO when Albearto told me Victoria never gets sick (born 12/14/98). He didnt know WHY she never gets sick, but now he does know :) ! Let Jesus be praised forevermoreandthensomehehehehe.
    Your Majr


   COMMUNION of the Body Of Christ in the Holy Ghost. 
   The blood is for our salvation.  The bread is for our healing. 

   The institutionalized communion service with the shot glass and the cracker, that we do every so often in church is not what Christ told us to do. 
  He told us to re-experience salvation in the blood of Christ and total health and wholeness in His body.  
   Not just on First Sunday or 2x a  year or whatever.  Daily!  The early church met DAILY.  Souls were saved daily.  People were healed daily.  People were baptized in the Holy Ghost daily.  They communed as His body daily.  Ministers were called to lay down their lives for the Body of Christ daily.
   The true story of my grandaughter and daughter, both,  being saved from a bloody death is a story of COMMUNION.  I told this true story to illustrate the true meaning of communion.  Communion is to be relived and acted out in our daily lives. 
   Please dont discount the Word Of God because you discount the messenger.  I am an earthen vessel filled with the glory of God.
   My lack of understanding of people is only surpassed by my abundance of knowledge of God's Word.  HE rarely chooses the wise the strong the noble to teach HIS word.  The preaching of the Gospel of Christ is foolishness to them that perish.  But to those who believe, it is the power of
                                  E L S H A D A I  
   Elshadai is an anchient name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.
   Its actual meaning in the Hebrew is: Strong breasted nourisher. 
   coolness  :)
   P.S.  I know very little of the Bible.  I am a minister of the Word Of God.  It is a gift and a calling.  It is all about HIM giving me words to speak.  Unfortunately He lets me decide when to speak and who to speak to and how to speak.  Im not good at that, shakes head.  I always seem to manage to alienate the listeners somehow.  I am the least of His called and chosen.  However, my words are true, because they are the words of my Heavenly Father.
   He loves you.  You are worthy.  He died for you.  Live for Him. 

P.S. 2
   The Bible in its many versions and translations and languages is the LOGOS.  The Logos is the written word of God.  It is faithful and true, all prophecy and intrerpretations are to be judged by it. 
   The Word Of God is the RAMAH.  It is the living word of God.  It is always NOW!  The Logos speaks of the Ramah.  The Logos points to the Ramah.  The Logos is interpreted, discussed, etc.  The Ramah is obeyed or not obeyed.  Believed or not believed.  You do yourself great injustice to discuss and interpret and anaylze the Ramah.  Do it or dont do it.  Believe it or dont believe it.  Take action or dont take action.  Let it change your life or dont.  Move in the power of the Ramah or dont. 
   As I said I know little of the the Bible (Logos), but when I read the Bible, GOD speaks RAMAH to me. 

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